Why Learn Freelancing In 2021 , how does it work

Rehan A
3 min readFeb 23, 2021


Why Learn Freelancing In 2021?

Why Learn Freelancing In 2021? After the spread of COVID-19, the business geography of the whole world has changed. People who were previously doing business in most parts of their life were left empty-handed. To compensate for this loss, they had to make a choice. At this hard time, freelancing platforms provided the best opportunity for people all around the world to show their skills and to earn for almost the whole of their life.

But still, some questions about freelancing are unanswered; here I will tell my readers the necessary information they must have about freelancing work.

1. What is Freelancing and how does it work?

Freelance work is the one in which a person works for himself directly with the client and is not bounded to any type of contract with any company. A freelancer makes a profile on a freelancing platform and publishes his skills which he would like to offer to people around the world. Freelancer works in a comfortable environment without having any pressure of going to the office on time or having fear of getting insulted by the boss. But this doesn’t mean that a freelancer is free to do anything. A freelancer has to work on certain criteria as instructed by the freelancing platforms. He has to behave well with the clients and maintain the decorum of the platform. In case of any misbehave, he has to cost his whole profile for not obeying the laws. Yet he is free to take as much time as he thinks is required to do the job and to present the end product to the client in a beautiful way.

2. Growth of Freelancing since 2017

According to freelance work statistics provided by different freelance platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer.com, People Per Hour, the freelance workforce only in America has increased from 36% of the Us Workforce to 40% by 2020 and it is expected to increase even more by the end of 2021 as the rising trend of freelance work is not stopping. By comparing the workforce of Us with other countries it is expected that 50% or even more population of the whole world will somehow directly or indirectly be involved in freelancing. As per Asia, Most of the youngsters in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and other connected countries are taking part in a great increase of the freelancing workforce of the world. This matter should not be left neglected by anyone living in the world of technology and the benefits of freelancing must be taken by everyone.

3. Top 10 freelancing countries:

Following are the top 10 freelancing countries according to the statistics given by different freelancing platforms.

4. Initiatives taken by Government all over the world

No doubt that the growth of a country is based on the growth of its economy and the growth of the economy depends upon the amount of money people are taking to their countries. In this regard Governments all over the world have taken great initiatives in teaching freelancing to their youth. Pakistan not leaving any country behind has taken an initiative on the Government level and started the Youth Program by Mian Shabaz Sharif (ex-chief minister of Punjab). Side by side Pakistan Government under the rule of PM Imran Khan has taken an initiative named DIGI SKILLS that will teach students what are different scopes of freelancing and how they can help to grow their country by doing freelancing.

5. Prediction about the future of freelancing and freelancers

No doubt, Freelancers are going to be a big part of the society which would be considered as the building block of their countries. They will be given different Health and educational facilities as they’ll help their country to prosper. Moreover, the rising trend of freelancing will change the current business geography of the world in which capital is wandering within few hands to the geography in which everyone will benefit from the opportunities present. What we have to do is to learn freelancing for our upcoming future.

Credits: Armaghan Baig

